Determinants of National Digital Identity Verification Platform Acceptance Among Young Investors in Malaysia


  • Pavitira Manogaran Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Teoh Ai Ping Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia



National Digital Identity, Verification Platform, Malaysia, Young Investors


This study aims to investigate the determinants of NDIV platform acceptance among young investors in Malaysia within the context of protection motivation theory and uncertainty reduction theory. The study proposed a conceptual model comprising five hypotheses tested using structural equation modelling-partial least squares. Data was collected through an online questionnaire survey from 361 young investors in Malaysia. The results show that acceptance of the NDIV platform is directly influenced by perceived severity, response efficacy, self-efficacy, and transparency. This study extended the protection motivation theory by incorporating uncertainty reduction theory to strengthen the predictions of NDIV platform acceptance among young investors in Malaysia. The study brought meaning by filling the theoretical, empirical, and methodological gaps in the body of knowledge.  This research contributes to the administrators, regulators, industry practitioners, and government to improve the platforms' strategies and increase citizen engagement conclusions.


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JGI Vol. 5 Issue 3, December 2022

How to Cite

Manogaran, P. ., & Teoh Ai Ping. (2023). Determinants of National Digital Identity Verification Platform Acceptance Among Young Investors in Malaysia. Journal of Governance and Integrity, 5(3), 308-316.

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