Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Governance and Integrity
Published: 2024-12-30


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Good governance and integrity is an essential prerequisite for any organization to remain competitive today and grow sustainability in the future. Journal of Governance and Integrity (JGI) is willing to be a knowledge and experience sharing platform for both academia and industry in the areas of governance, integrity and other related disciplines. JGI is an international, a peer-reviewed, and open accessed journal publishing high-quality articles addressing human right in business, ethics and culture in business, human governance, risk management, syari'ah governance, corporate social responsibility, IT-related governance and integrity, sustainability Issue, supply chain and operations management, and Industrial Revolution 4.0-related issues. However, the journal is not confined to only these themes.

JGI is published twice a year by UMP Publisher.

For a full list of topics, please find it here