Does expert judgement is important in mining industry?: A systematic literature review study


  • Siti Noraishah Ismail Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, College of Computing and Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
  • Azizan Ramli Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
  • Hanida Abdul Aziz Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, College of Computing and Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia



Delphi technique, Mining disaster, Mining industry, Meta-Analyses, Systematic literature review


The Delphi technique is used to achieve consensus from a panel of experts on particular issues by several series or rounds. Previous scholars widely used Delphi in social science studies, business, healthcare, education and many more. However, there is a lack of systematic review on the contribution of Delphi in the engineering and technology field of research. Thus, the aims of this systematic literature review (SLR) are to investigate the contribution of Delphi in solving problems for the past 11 years in the mining industry and to understand the future outlook of Delphi in the Malaysian mining industry. By applying the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), 37 selected papers were identified with three main themes and 24 subthemes created using thematic analysis. Based on the findings, the most highlighted contribution of Delphi came from Theme 3: Delphi’s derivatives (50.0%), followed by Theme 1: Mine lifecycle (12.5%), and Theme 2: Analysis of Delphi (37.5 %). In conclusion, an SLR could hopefully increase awareness among mining players to use Delphi in solving their problems which cannot be solved by machinery or tools in achieving a consensus among experts.

Author Biographies

  • Siti Noraishah Ismail, Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, College of Computing and Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

    Siti Noraishah Ismail is a lecturer in Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). She graduated her Master degrees at UMP majoring in MSc Mining with Mineral Technology and MSc Petroleum Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). She completed her undergraduate in B.Eng Chemical (Gas Engineering) in UTM. Currently she is pursuing her PhD in Occupational Safety and Health in UMP.

  • Azizan Ramli, Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

    Azizan Ramli is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). He graduated his doctoral study in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. His interest in Environmental Management has given him the opportunity to further his studies at Universiti Putra Malaysia and has obtained a Master of Environment. He also completed his undergraduate study at University of Okayama, Japan in 1994.

  • Hanida Abdul Aziz, Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, College of Computing and Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

    Dr. Hanida Abdul Aziz is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). Her current research activities fall into process safety management (PSM) and risk management area. In PSM research, the main interests are to develop the PSM aid-tools including PSI system, PHA system and many more.


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JGI Vol. 5 Issue 2, July 2022

How to Cite

Ismail, S. N., Ramli, A. ., & Abdul Aziz, H. (2022). Does expert judgement is important in mining industry?: A systematic literature review study. Journal of Governance and Integrity, 5(2).

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