The Influence of Socio-Demographic Characteristic on Entrepreneurial Intention: An Empirical Study in Sultanate of Oman


  • Abdullah Khamis Al-amri Collage of Economics, Management and Information Systems, University of Nizwa, Oman
  • Mahmood Said Collage of Economics, Management and Information Systems, University of Nizwa, Oman
  • Kawther Salim Al Kindi Collage of Economics, Management and Information Systems, University of Nizwa, Oman
  • Essia Ries Ahmed Collage of Economics, Management and Information Systems, University of Nizwa, Oman



Socio-Demographic, Entrepreneurial Intention, Oman


The purpose of this study is to analyse whether the determining factors of the socio-demographic factors will affect the entrepreneur’s intention (EI) to people who want to start up new business. This study also aims to measure the type of relationship between each factor and its connection to EI. The data was analysed using SPSS program using the Pearson Chi-square analysis methods and GEM 2020. The result of this study showed that there is significant role between demographic factors such as age, gender, income, and education level. The result of this study can contribute to the benefit of studies in Oman and finding the latest method which can increase the number of firms and start up new business. In the absence of media, this study can also enhance the knowledge and create awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship and its capability to create the growth, income, and wealth and prosperity.

Author Biographies

  • Abdullah Khamis Al-amri, Collage of Economics, Management and Information Systems, University of Nizwa, Oman

    Abdullah Khamis Al-amri is a bachelor student in College of Economics, Management and Information Systems, University of Nizwa. The author is interested in entrepreneurship, and business research areas.

  • Mahmood Said, Collage of Economics, Management and Information Systems, University of Nizwa, Oman

    Mahmood Said Al-busaidi is a bachelor student in College of Economics, Management and Information Systems (, University of Nizwa. The author is interested in entrepreneurship, and operation management research areas. Also, the author is looking forward to completing his postgraduate studies and to be a specialist in the field of strategic management in order to be an effective lecturer.

  • Kawther Salim Al Kindi, Collage of Economics, Management and Information Systems, University of Nizwa, Oman

    Mrs. Kawther Salim Al Kindi is currently working as a lecturer in Collage of Economic, Management and Information Systems at University of Nizwa and research assistant in University of Nizwa Entrepreneurship Center. She received her master’s degree in Business Administration from University of Nizwa.  Her interest areas are Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Commercialization.

  • Essia Ries Ahmed, Collage of Economics, Management and Information Systems, University of Nizwa, Oman

    Dr. Essia Ries Ahmed is currently working as an assistance of Professor in University of Nizwa.  He received his PhD from University Malaysia Perlis (UniMap), master’s degree in Accounting from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).  He has published articles in several Scopus Journals, and proceedings and presented papers at both national and international conferences. Dr. Essia Ries Ahmed is the reviewer and member of editorial board in several journals.


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JGI Vol. 5 Issue 2, July 2022

How to Cite

Abdullah Khamis Al-amri, Mahmood Said, Kawther Salim Al Kindi, & Essia Ries Ahmed. (2022). The Influence of Socio-Demographic Characteristic on Entrepreneurial Intention: An Empirical Study in Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Governance and Integrity, 5(2), 275-282.