Psychological ownership, Intention to stay, Employee engagement, Self-determination theory, Malaysian research universitiesAbstract
In the context of Malaysian research universities, this study examined how psychological ownership influenced Malaysian academics’ intention to stay. Based on self-determination theory, a model was developed to investigate how psychological ownership and employee engagement might improve the intention to stay. A questionnaire survey was used to gather the data, which was then analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results show that psychological ownership positively and significantly impacts employee engagement. The intention of an employee to stay is also positive and significantly impacted by employee engagement. In addition, when employing employee engagement as a mediator, psychological ownership also revealed a significant indirect effect on the intention to stay. The novelty of this study contributed to the body of knowledge on psychological ownership and intention to stay while also shedding light on the mediation of employee engagement in the context of Malaysian research universities. The findings of this study also have significant practical implications for academics and policymakers who wish to understand the roles of psychological ownership and employee engagement that contribute to the intention to stay among academics.
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