The Effect of Person-Environment Fit on Public Servant Integrity and Performance: Investigating the Moderating Role of Public Service Motivation


  • Sangeetha Tannimalay Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Noor Fareen Abdul Rahim Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Meen Chee Hong Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia



Public sector, Individual performance, Person-job fit, Person-organization fit


Individual performance is measured by a person's contribution to attaining this objective, whereas public organisation performance is measured by goals achieved in accordance with its mission statements. Positive individual behaviour is important for positive life outcomes, such as professional ethics. Individuals with strong integrity between their psychological (spiritual) and physical (physical) functions are one of the determinants of individual performance in organisations. Integrity is a promise to do everything in line with right and ethical principles, as well as values and standards, and there is consistency in continuing to make these commitments in every scenario without seeing any chance or coercion to break them. Individual integrity and performance are strongly influenced by the person-environment fit (person-job fit and person-organization fit). Due to the several corruption cases in Malaysia, the impacts of person-environment fit (person-job fit and person-organization fit) on individual integrity and performance of public sector personnel are investigated in this study. The suggested model was tested using partial least squares on a sample of 214 public sector employees in Penang. Integrity and individual performance is positively influenced by both person-job fit and person-organization fit, with person-organization fit having a stronger effect. Furthermore, the moderating effects of Public Service Motivation in the relationship between person-environment fit and the integrity and individual performance are not significant. As a result, it is critical to design strategies and implement suitable organisational environments in order to successfully raise the integrity and performance levels of public sector employees/


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JGI Vol. 5 Issue 1, December 2021

How to Cite

Tannimalay, S. ., Abdul Rahim, N. F. ., & Hong , M. C. (2021). The Effect of Person-Environment Fit on Public Servant Integrity and Performance: Investigating the Moderating Role of Public Service Motivation. Journal of Governance and Integrity, 5(1), 185-199.