Financial Literacy, Attitude, Peer Influence, Self-efficacy, IntegrityAbstract
The study's primary purpose is to investigate the effect of financial literacy, attitude, subjective norms (peer influence), perceived behavioural control (self-efficacy), and savings intention in determining the savings behaviour among Malaysian youth. A framework was developed based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to address this prerequisite. A quantitative method was employed where data for this research have been carried out by survey approach targeted to youth aged 18-40. Based on snowball sampling, 384 usable questionnaires were returned. The hypotheses of the research were tested using PLS analysis. In detail, the survey results supported the 5 main hypotheses. This study evidenced that financial literacy, attitude, subjective norms (peer influence), and savings intention should be implemented to achieve the savings behaviour of youth. However, perceived behavioural control (self-efficacy) was found to be less likely affecting the savings behaviour among Malaysian youth. Additionally, the result of mediation analysis shows that the savings intention has an indirect effect on the savings behaviour. The study was conducted only in Malaysia, so the results may not be applicable to different cultures. The study's outcome offered theoretical and practical contributions that help academicians and practitioners understand the savings behaviour of youth. Retail banks could promote financial services or products to urge youth to save and policymakers could develop effective education programs and encourage practice of good integrity to improve youth's financial knowledge. The study's findings provided evidence that financial literacy, attitude, subjective norms (peer influence), perceived behavioural control (self-efficacy), and savings intention have a significant effect on the savings behaviour of youth.
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