Investigation of microstructural and mechanical properties of AA1050-AZ91D dissimilar friction stir welding
Friction stir welding, aluminium alloy, magnesium alloy, dissimilar welding, microstructural analysis, mechanical characterizationAbstract
Joining of aluminium and magnesium alloys frequently pose significant challenges to the extent where joining may seem impossible, due to differences in the physical, metallurgical, and chemical properties of the materials. Friction stir welding is a solid-state welding technique which uses a non-consumable tool to join metals. This study examines the dissimilar friction stir welding of 3 mm thick AA1050 and AZ91D alloy sheets. Successful defect-free joints were achieved at rotational speeds of 400 rpm and 600 rpm, and a constant traverse speed of 50 mm/min. The metallurgical investigations used to characterize the microstructure of the welds are optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The microstructures of the samples show distinct morphology attributed to their different rotational speeds. However, Al3Mg2 intermetallics (IMCs) phase was detected in the white bands present in both weld samples. The IMCs were formed through solid-state diffusion. The mechanical properties characterizations includes the microhardness profiles and tensile testing. The variation in the rotational speeds do not have a significant effect on the microhardness distribution of the weld samples. The tensile strength of the dissimilar weld improved substantially with the presence of an interpenetration feature (IPF).
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