Effects of reverse cold rolling on the microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of AA1100 aluminium alloys
Reverse cold rolling, aluminium alloys, texture, annealing, mechanical propertiesAbstract
In this work the microstructure, texture and mechanical properties during different stages of reverse cold rolling (RCR) process on aluminium alloy AA1100-H14 were analysed. Microstructure was observed using optical and electron scanning microscopy. Texture was analysed using X-ray diffraction (macrotexture) and electron back-scattering diffraction (microtexture) techniques. Tensile test and microhardness measurements were carried out. Results showed that a high deformation using RCR was obtained in samples of annealed state leading to maximum values of tensile strength and hardness, along with a reduction of ductility. Intensity of -fibres decreased producing unstable textures {112} <110> while microstructure exhibited refinement of grain, with enlarged morphology.
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- 2021-06-11 (2)
- 2021-06-10 (1)
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