Structural optimization of 2-dimensional steel truss beams with different truss members using finite element analysis
Steel truss, Optimization, Finite element analysis, Sustainable designAbstract
Trusses have long been integral to structural design due to their efficiency in bearing loads. However, a lack of clear guidelines for optimizing truss beams often forces engineers to compromise between performance and cost. This study addresses this gap by optimizing the shape and size of two-dimensional steel truss beams using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) with ABAQUS software under specified conditions. The analysis considered uniform vertical loads of 200 kN, 500 kN, and 200 kN applied at strategic joints, with pinned supports as boundary conditions. Four truss configurations; V-structure, V-structure with vertical members, N-structure, and K-structure were examined for stress, displacement, and critical buckling. The K-structure emerged as the optimal design, with the smallest deflection of -12.28 mm and a maximum stress of 178.85 MPa. Further, the High Edge A (HEA) 240 steel section was identified as the best cross-sectional choice, offering superior structural stability and cost-efficiency. This study demonstrates that strategic optimization of truss configurations and materials can significantly enhance performance while minimizing material use and costs. These findings have implications for safer and more economical steel truss designs, contributing to advancements in modern construction practices.
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