Drivers Human Resources 4.0: Technological, Organisational & Environmental of Human Resources 4.0 at Malaysian Private Companies


  • Muhammad Shabir Shaharudin Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Wahida Najiha Zulkifli Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
  • Anderes Gui School of lnformation Systems, Bina Nusantara University, lndonesia
  • Yudi Fernando Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia



Industry Revolution 4.0, Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE), Human Resource Management, Importance-Performance Map Analysis


This study aims to evaluate and measure the Driver of Human Resources 4.0: Technology, Organization and Environment. Besides that, the study also suggests the better Driver Human Resources 4.0 to increase at the company in future. Meanwhile, these research objectives were found 1) to identify the relationship between technological drivers with Human resource 4.0. 2) To investigate the relationship between organisational drivers with Human resource 4.0. 3) to analyse the relationship between environmental drivers and Human resource 4.0. The theoretical model used was the Technology-organization-environment (TOE) Theory. The methodology for this research that has a quantitative method using a questionnaire survey by google form with has five (5) Likert scales. The questionnaire surveys by google form were sent to Malaysian private companies. This research used descriptive statistical analysis convergent validity and mean value analysis, correlation testing, which have been automatically generated by Smart PLS software version 3.3.2 statistical software to test the hypothesis for this research. From the tests that have been conducted, Driver Human Resources 4.0: Technology, Organization and Environment are the variables that affect the Human Resources in happening in Malaysian Public Companies. At the end of the study, the research questions were answered, and specific recommendations were made for the case technology. The most efficient recruiting networks have been identified as a result of this research, the most appropriate selection strategies have been suggested, and adequate retention techniques have been explored. In addition, some additional ideas have been given for future research for example the sense of accelerating the pace of transition, organizational factors may play a major role in the creation of an environment conducive for learning and innovation in a company nowadays.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Shabir Shaharudin, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Muhammad Shabir Shaharudin received his PhD from Universiti Malaysia Pahang and MBA in International Business from Universiti Sains Malaysia while his bachelor's degree in international business was from Limkokwing University Malaysia. His area of interest includes environmental supply chain management, supply chain management, eco-innovation, international business, industry 4.0 technology management, and social network analysis.

Wahida Najiha Zulkifli, Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Wahida currently pursuing undergraduate study in Industrial Management. Her research interest is in industry 4.0 management and project management.

Anderes Gui, School of lnformation Systems, Bina Nusantara University, lndonesia

Anderes Gui is an Associate Professor at School of lnformation Systems, Bina Nusantara University, lndonesia. His research interest is in information system and technology management audit.

Yudi Fernando, Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Yudi Fernando holds a PhD and Associate Professor. He is the former Deputy Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang. His current research interests are green operations management, service, logistics, and sustainable issues in supply chain management. He is also a member of the Society of Logisticians, Malaysia (LogM).


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How to Cite

Shaharudin, M. S., Zulkifli, W. N., Gui, A., & Fernando, Y. (2021). Drivers Human Resources 4.0: Technological, Organisational & Environmental of Human Resources 4.0 at Malaysian Private Companies. International Journal of Industrial Management, 12(1), 306–318.

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