Assessing Green Human Resource Management and Environmental Performance: Evidence from Government Linked-Company


  • Nurul Liyana Mohd Kamil Faculty of Economic and Administration, University of Malaya
  • Nur Hairani Abd Rahman Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya
  • Mohd Hasrul Mat Yusof Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya



Green human resource management, Environmental performance, Government Linked-Company


Environmental performance is a new initiative to reduce the natural disasters that occur as a result of climate change. To foster environmental performance among employees in the organisation, green human resource management is one the prominent functions to mobilize the green culture in the organisation. This study sought to assess the impact of green human resource management (in the form of green recruitment, green training and development, and green performance management) on the environmental performance among employees in government linked-company via a qualitative research technique. Using thematic analysis, in-depth semi-structured interviews are utilised to arrive at conclusions with regards to the performance of the environment by assessing green human resource management. Research findings demonstrated that the green human resource management significantly opens more opportunities to the government linked-company to succeed in its environmental performance, and simultaneously awards more recognition in terms of environmental certifications and awards . Most respondents agree that the green integration to its human resource function contributes more awareness to the employees on the environment. While some respondents stated that few difficulties will be facing to maintain it but there are always solutions to overcome the issue. In conjunction with these findings, this study strongly recommends to all public sectors and public agencies to implement the green practices within the aspects of human resource. It is not to add the burden for the human resource functions, even it helps the organisation to reduce cost and save the environment. 


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How to Cite

Kamil, N. L. M., Abd Rahman, N. H. ., & Mat Yusof, M. H. . (2021). Assessing Green Human Resource Management and Environmental Performance: Evidence from Government Linked-Company. International Journal of Industrial Management, 12(1), 341-353.

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