Does Diversification Strategy Play An Eminent Role In The Current Turbulence Of Digital Economy: A Strategic Approach


  • Augustinus Nicolaas Hillebrandes Oroh School of Business and Management, Universitas Ciputra, Surabaya, Indonesia



Diversification, Competitive advantage, Environmental turbulence, Product market concept, Ansoff growth matrix


Most industry players are dubious whether current digital technology is strongly affecting the long traditional demand and supply economy while scholars believe that companies need to have valuable and unique resources, excellent and agile capabilities, and the capacity of aligning their core competencies to lead the industry and therefore sustaining its competitive advantage. Companies are fighting with the aggressive movements by their competitors in the changing markets and facing very dynamic full of surprises environmental turbulence. We reveal the Environment Serving Organization concept helps companies to be well prepared in advance and applicable at all turbulence levels when the overall economy is at high uncertainty. By exploring diversification based on Ansoff Growth Matrix and using the regression and mediation models, this is one of the first papers that investigates the Environmental Turbulence level as a probable mediator in the intense relationship between diversification strategy and strong firm performance.

Author Biography

Augustinus Nicolaas Hillebrandes Oroh , School of Business and Management, Universitas Ciputra, Surabaya, Indonesia

He is an industry practitioner and professional in the Higher Education Services with educational background. His research papers are in strategic management and strategic marketing topics and published in International Journals. Currently working and writing papers in strategic marketing and management topics. He is a Visiting Senior Lecturer in strategic management at Queensland University of Technology QUT-Business School, Brisbane, Australia, and Visiting Senior Lecturer in Leadership and Marketing at NHL-Stenden University, Holland. He spent most of his time in the industry with more than 30 years as a professional, working in Multinational companies (MNC) as senior managers and directors in industries including Food & Beverage, Pulp & Paper, and Coal Mining. Previously he was working at Binus Business School (AACSB Accredited) in Jakarta, and currently at the School of Business and Management at Ciputra University in Surabaya (2019-present) as the Head of Undergraduate Program in International Business Management - International Class


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How to Cite

Oroh , A. N. H. . (2021). Does Diversification Strategy Play An Eminent Role In The Current Turbulence Of Digital Economy: A Strategic Approach. International Journal of Industrial Management, 12(1), 378–388.