Mathematics Achievement Profile in Rural Primary School Students by Heart Assessment – HRV


  • Muhammad Nubli Abdul Wahab Pusat Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
  • Norshafariza Mamat Pusat Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
  • Noryanti Muhammad Pusat Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia




Mathematic education, Primary school students, Coherent score, Heart rate variability


Learning Mathematics is the prerequisite for mastery in learning. There are various reasons for the weakness of primary school students in the mastery of Mathematics. One of the characteristics of students' ability to master learning is their ability to control the heart's coherence "Heart Rate Variability - HRV". Coherent control of HRV allows individuals to control their mind and emotions and thus stimulate their ability to learn more effectively. This study was carried out to examine the extent to which students with mathematics mastery abnormalities are able to control the coherence of the heart. Is there a difference in coherence scores between good students and poor students in Maths mastery. This study was conducted involving 50 sample people in two groups of students with different achievements, good and poor. Students are given some Math exercises to examine if there is a difference in heart coherence scores when they answer Math questions. Findings show that there is a clear difference between these two groups of students. Good students were found to be able to control the coherence of HRV better than students with poor mathematics achievement. Findings show different scores between these two groups after going through different testing protocols. Findings summarize that good students are more able to control the HRV coherence score than poor students. This shows the ability to control coherence is important as an indicator of student performance in learning Mathematics. This study is important in the learning process because it can help teachers introduce coherence-enhancing exercises to enable students to follow Mathematics learning better. The coherence control technique can be used as one of the techniques to improve the learning effectiveness of primary school students.


Pembelajaran Matematik adalah asas kepada penguasan pembelajaran. Terdapat pelbagai punca kelemahan pelajar sekolah rendah dalam penguasaan Matematik. Salah satu ciri keupayaan pelajar dalam penguasaan pembelajaran adalah keupayaan mereka mengawal koheren“Heart Rate Variability – HRV” hati. Pengawalan koheren HRV membolehkan individu mengawal minda dan emosi seterusnya merangsang keupayaan diri untuk belajar dengan lebih berkesan. Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji sejauhmana pelajar kelainan penguasaan Matematik berupaya mengawal koheren hati. Adakah terdapat perbezaan skor koheren antara pelajar yang baik dan pelajar yang lemah dalam penguasaan Matematik. Kajian ini dijalankan melibatkan 50 orang sampel dalam dua kumpulan pelajar berbeza pencapaian, baik dan lemah. Pelajar diberikan beberapa latihan Matematik untuk meneliti adakah terdapat perbezaan skor koheren hati semasa mereka menjawab soalan Matematik. Dapatan menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang jelas antara kedua-dua kumpulan pelajar ini. Pelajar baik didapati berupaya mengawal koheren HRV dengan lebih baik berbanding pelajar yang lemah pencapaian Matematik. Dapatan menunjukkan skor yang berbeza antara kedua-dua kumpulan ini setelah melalui protokol pengujian yang berbeza. Dapatan merumuskan bahawa pelajar yang baik lebih berupaya mengawal skor koheren HRV berbanding pelajar yang lemah. Ini menunjukkan keupayaan pengawalan koheren adalah penting sebagai petunjuk pencapaian prestasi pelajar dalam pembelajaran Matematik. Kajian ini penting dalam proses pembelajaran kerana ia boleh membantu guru memperkenalkan latihan peningkatan koheren untuk membolehkan pelajar mengikuti pembelajaran Matematik dengan lebih baik. Teknik pengawalan koheren boleh dijadikan salah satu teknik untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan pembelajaran pelajar sekolah rendah.



2021-03-08 — Updated on 2021-03-08


How to Cite

Abdul Wahab, M. N., Norshafariza Mamat, & Noryanti Muhammad. (2021). KAJIAN PROFIL PENCAPAIAN MATEMATIK PELAJAR-PELAJAR SEKOLAH RENDAH LUAR BANDAR DENGAN PRESTASI HATI – HRV: Mathematics Achievement Profile in Rural Primary School Students by Heart Assessment – HRV. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 6((S3), 54–63. https://doi.org/10.15282/ijhtc.v6i(S3).6262


