
  • Ahmad Muhaimin Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat Malang, No. 2 Jl. Raya Mojosari 65163 Kepanjen Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • Aries Musnandar Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat Malang, No. 2 Jl. Raya Mojosari 65163 Kepanjen Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • Qurratu A’yuni Universitas Ary Ginanjar Jakarta, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12560, Indonesia



Mbah Hasyim, Nahdlatul Ulama, Islamic education, Islamic values


The study aims to explore the triple t core values of Mbah Hasyim, one of founding fathers of the Nahdhatul ulama (nu), the biggest Muslim organization in Indonesia and even in the world. this research delineates about Mbah Hasyim’s core values into NU organization in a way to know positive contribution of Mbah Hasyim’s core values into peace education as well as the nation character building through education programs. as ulama Mbah Hasyim formulated three core t values derived from Islamic values, namely the 3 t's: Tasamuh,Tawassut (moderate), Tawazun. these triple t’s have become foundation for basic learning in nu education institutions around Indonesia. the purpose of this study is to elaborate such core values inspired by Mbah Hasyim into NU organization. the final objective of the research is to obtain clear and concise concept of Triple Ts in education specially to utilize them for instilling such (Islamic) values to students through character education program and peace education in Islamic worldview. therefore, the study used library research as the method for data collection. besides, the empirical evidence which are experienced by researchers used as primary sources in qualitative research method. the presence of researcher is necessary to enrich the collected data. the results shown that core values of Mbah Hasyim significantly have contributed to the life harmony, peace, togetherness and religious tolerant in Indonesia. Pancasila as a national philosophy accommodates any religious values that apply universally and most of the materials come from an Islamic perspective and the values of Triple Ts of Mbah Hasyim. the conclusion of this study is to bring this concept of Triple Ts of Mbah Hasyim into education program. thence, all school and other education institutions are encouraged to implement such triple T’s through character education program as well as peace education.


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How to Cite

Ahmad Muhaimin, Musnandar, A., & A’yuni, Q. (2024). THE CRITICAL REVIEW OF TRIPLE Ts CONCEPT AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION WITHIN THE NADHIYYIN EDUCATION (MULTI-CASE STUDY AT LP MA’ARIF PASURUAN). International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 9(1), 59–67.


