Instructional Leadership, Followership, Organizational Commitment, Content Validity Index (CVI), Validity of Content ExpertsAbstract
This study assessed the content validity of an instrument measuring instructional leadership, followership and organizational commitment in Malaysian primary schools. A panel of seven experts, each with 20 to 30 years of experience in education and leadership evaluated the instrument using the Content Validity Index (CVI) method. The I-CVI scores for instructional leadership, followership and organizational commitment were 0.96, 0.96, and 0.95, respectively, all above the acceptable 0.78 threshold indicating strong item validity. The S-CVI/AVE scores reached 0.96 for instructional leadership and followership and 0.95 for organizational commitment and reflecting high agreement on item relevance. For S-CVI/UA, instructional leadership and followership scored 0.80, meeting the acceptable standard while organizational commitment initially scored 0.72. After refinement, the S-CVI/UA for organizational commitment improved to 1.00, reflecting full expert consensus. Overall, the instrument demonstrates high content validity, providing a reliable basis for educational assessment and further research. This validated tool offers insights into instructional practices and organizational dynamics and supports applications in targeted training and policy development. Future research could apply this instrument in varied educational contexts to further test its adaptability, promoting broader use in educational research and policy.
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