Self-Concept as a Mediator in the Relationship between School Factors and Behavior of Secondary School Students in Selangor


  • Sabarnur Abd Radzak Jabatan Sains Kemasyarakatan dan Pembangunan, Fakulti Ekologi Manusia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Amna Md Noor Jabatan Sains Kemasyarakatan dan Pembangunan, Fakulti Ekologi Manusia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Azlina Mohd Khir Jabatan Sains Kemasyarakatan dan Pembangunan, Fakulti Ekologi Manusia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Muhd. Dhamir Audi Azizul Center for English Language and General Studies, Lincoln University College, 47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia




Self-concept, Attitude School environment, Internalizing behaviour, Externalizing behaviour, Konsep kendiri, Sikap, Persekitaran sekolah, Tingkah laku dalaman, Tingkah laku luaran


Referring to the educational environment nowadays, social problems among students is one of the increasingly significant disciplinary problems. The element of self-concept should be understood more deeply to prevent this problem from spreading in the future. The  aim of the present research is to determine self-concept as a mediator on the relationship between school factors and behavior among secondary school students in Selangor. This quantitative study employed a survey method, involving a total of 400 school students aged 14 and 16 from eight secondary schools in the state of Selangor. A single questionnaire that linking several scales was utilized, in which measurements of school factors involved (Inventory of Parents and Peer Attachment (IPPA), Questions of Teacher’s Interaction (QTI), School Self-Review Tools (SSRT), and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social SupportZimet). Self-concept dimension was measured using Self-Concept Individual Protective Factors Index meanwhile internalizing and externalizing behaviours using ASEBA School-Age Youth Self Report (YSR). Mediator analysis shows that self-concept is a mediator on the relationship between school factor and internalizing and externalizing behaviour; self-concept as a mediator on the relationship between anxiety and school factor, self-concept as a mediator on the relationship between withdrawal and all subscales of school factor, self-concept as a mediator on the relationship between aggressive behaviour and school factors, self-concept as a mediator on the relationship between rule-breaking behaviour and school factor. Specifically, positive self-concept can be applied to students who lack confidence and are neglected by their families, peers and teachers.

Masalah sosial dalam kalangan pelajar merupakan salah satu masalah disiplin yang semakin ketara. Elemen konsep kendiri wajar difahami dengan lebih mendalam lagi untuk mengelakkan masalah ini menular kelak. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kesan konsep kendiri sebagai mediator ke atas hubungan antara faktor sekolah dengan tingkah laku dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah di Selangor. Kajian kuantitatif ini menggunakan kaedah tinjauan kepada 400 orang pelajar sekolah berumur 14 dan 16 tahun dari lapan buah sekolah menengah di negeri Selangor. Soal selidik berkenaan faktor sekolah yang merangkumi budaya dan iklim sekolah melibatkan (Inventory of Parents and Peer Attachment (IPPA), Questions of Teacher’s Interaction (QTI), School Self-Review Tools (SSRT), dan Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support Zimet). Pengukuran konsep kendiri menggunakan Self-Concept Individual Protective Factors Index dan tingkah laku menggunakan ASEBA School-Age Youth Self Report (YSR). Analisis mediator menunjukkan konsep kendiri menjadi mediator ke atas hubungan antara kebimbangan dengan faktor sekolah, konsep kendiri menjadi mediator ke atas hubungan antara menarik diri dengan kesemua sub-skala faktor sekolah, konsep kendiri menjadi mediator ke atas hubungan antara tingkah laku agresif dengan faktor sekolah, konsep kendiri menjadi mediator ke atas hubungan antara tingkah laku melanggar peraturan dengan faktor sekolah. Implikasi kajian ini mendedahkan konsep kendiri positif dapat diterapkan kepada pelajar yang kurang berkeyakinan dan diabaikan samada oleh keluarga, rakan sebaya mahupun guru-guru.


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Social Science

How to Cite

KONSEP KENDIRI SEBAGAI MEDIATOR DALAM HUBUNGAN ANTARA FAKTOR SEKOLAH DENGAN TINGKAH LAKU PELAJAR SEKOLAH MENENGAH DI SELANGOR: Self-Concept as a Mediator in the Relationship between School Factors and Behavior of Secondary School Students in Selangor. (2024). International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 9(1), 89-101. https://doi.org/10.15282/ijhtc.v9i1.10688