Impingement of coaxial jet on convex element for confined and unconfined flow


  • Anilkumar M. Hanchinal Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jain C. E. T., Hubballi, Karnataka, India-580031. Phone: +91-9740169907.
  • V.V. Katti KLS VDIT, Haliyal, Karnataka, India-581329.



Jet impingement, Co-axial Jet, Pressure coefficient, Swirl Flow, Convex test element


Jet impingement is most effective and active method for cooling and heating of any surface or system. The ability of jet impingement is greatly influenced by nozzle configuration and other dimensional and non-dimensional parameters. Impinging coaxial swirl jet generates interesting flow filed on any test surface and influences both pressure and heat distribution on impinging surfaces. In present study, an experimental investigation is carried to analyze the effects of turbulent coaxial swirl jet on the pressure distribution (PC & PCO) on convex element. For better and acceptable results, the desirable parameters are identified from previous research works. The present experimental result highlights the independency of pressure coefficient (PC) for jet-Reynolds number (Re=70000 to 45000), effect of circumferential angle (θ) or inclination of test element, effect of jet exit to test element distance (Z/dh) and effect of confinement on PC & PCO pattern on a convex test element. The higher pressure coefficient value are obtained at lower Z/dh = 1 & at θ = 15° to 12°and significant drop in the values are seen with increase in the Z/dh & θ. At θ = 20° to 30° the value of PC & PCO reaches to negative magnitude. The use of confinement tube enhancementthe pressure distribution (PC & PCO) by 61% to 64% is seen for the same flow conditions.


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How to Cite

“Impingement of coaxial jet on convex element for confined and unconfined flow”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 6652–6662, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.15282/jmes.14.2.2020.09.0521.

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