Effect of orifice geometry and orifice to test section spacing on distribution of wall static pressure on a convex surface


  • Anilkumar M. Hanchinal Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering KLE Institute of Technology, Hubballi, Karnataka, India-580030 Phone: +91-9740169907
  • Vadiraj V. Katti Principal, KLS VDIT, Haliyal, Karnataka, India-581329




Jet impingement, Static pressure coefficient, Convex test section, Orifice


The experimental investigation is carried out to study the distribution of wall static pressure (Cp & Cpo) on the convex smooth surface by air jet impingement. A great deal of attention was paid to analyze the effects of orifice geometry for various flow and geometric conditions, a comparison of the wall static pressure coefficient is done for different orifice. The experimental results show that the wall static pressure on a convex test section is higher for rectangular orifice compared to other orifice. The wall static pressure decreases circumferentially from its maximum value at the stagnation point (θ = 0°) and also for higher Z/dh. Higher value of Cp and Cpo are obtained for unconfined flow. The experiments were performed with the following parameters: the jet Reynolds number (Re) = 10000–50000, the orifice-to- convex surface distance (Z/dh) = 1–5, Circumferential angle (θ) = 0° to 30°, Curvature ratio (D/dh), Orifice = Circular, Square, Triangle, Rectangle.


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How to Cite

A. M. Hanchinal and V. V. Katti, “Effect of orifice geometry and orifice to test section spacing on distribution of wall static pressure on a convex surface”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 4835–4845, Jun. 2019, doi: 10.15282/jmes.13.2.2019.05.0402.

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