An investigation into tapping of Al6061/SiC metal matrix composite with straight flute HSS machine tap
Metal Matrix Composite, Al6061/SiC, stir casting, machine tapAbstract
The present study deals with tapping of Al6061/SiC metal matrix composite. Stir casting technique was used for the fabrication of composite. Castings were produced by varying weight percentages of SiC (5%, 7.5% and 10%) of 23μm size in Al6061. The tapping experiments were conducted for the machinability study of Al6061/SiC metal matrix composite using M8 x 1.25 HSS machine taps. The tapping operation was performed under dry condition with different cutting speeds. Torque required for tapping was measured using piezoelectric based 4-component drill tool dynamometer. Surface morphology and profile of thread surfaces were analysed using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and metallurgical microscope. Estimation of progressive flank wear of machine taps was undertaken using profile projector. The performance of HSS machine tap was evaluated in terms of tapping torque, tool flank wear, and surface characteristics of thread surfaces. The flank wear of uncoated HSS machine tap increased with the increase in weight percentage of SiC in Al/SiC composite for a particular cutting speed. Further, when the matrix materials were reinforced by the same kind and the same weight percentage of SiC particles, the flank wear of the tool was found to increase with cutting speed. In addition, the damage caused to thread profiles increased with the increase in cutting speed and weight percentage of SiC.
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