Effect of Solutionizing on Dry Sliding Wear of Al2024-Beryl Metal Matrix Composite


  • Bhaskar H.B. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Maralur Post, Tumkur 572105, India
  • Abdul Sharief Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore 574153, India




AMMC’s; Beryl; solutionizing; sliding wear; BHN


In the present investigation, Al2024–Beryl particulate composites were fabricated by stir casting by varying the weight percentage of beryl particulates from 0 wt% to 10 wt% in steps of 2 wt%. The cast Al2024 alloy and its composites have been subjected to solutionizing treatment at a temperature of 495°C for 2 hrs, followed by ice quenching. Microstructural studies were carried out to determine the nature of the structure. The Brinell hardness test was conducted on both the Al2024 alloy and its composites before and after solutionizing. Pin-on disc wear tests were conducted to examine the wear behavior of the Al2024 alloy and its composites. Sliding wear tests were conducted at various applied loads, sliding velocities and sliding distances. The results reveal that the wear rate of the composites is lower than that of the matrix alloy. The wear rate increased with an increasing applied load and sliding distance, and decreased with increasing sliding velocity


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How to Cite

“Effect of Solutionizing on Dry Sliding Wear of Al2024-Beryl Metal Matrix Composite”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 281–290, Dec. 2012, doi: 10.15282/jmes.3.2012.4.0026.

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