Experimental investigation on thermal behavior of fly ash reinforced aluminium alloy (Al6061) hybrid composite
Metal matrix composites, Al6061 and Fly ash, Microstructure, Thermal BehaviorAbstract
In the present study, the thermal behavior of pure Al6061 and fly ash reinforced Al6061 with varying particulate sizes were investigated for the first time. Metal matrix syntactic foams of ceramic fly ash (4 – 16 wt. %) embedded in aluminum (Al6061) matrix have been fabricated by using stir casting technique with different fly ash particulate sizes of size below 50µm and 53µm-100µm, respectively. The microstructural characteristics were studied by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It has been observed that there is a uniform distribution of lower particulate size fly ash as compared to higher particulate size in the aluminium matrix respectively. For all the cases, the accumulation of fly ash in Al6061 decreases the thermal conductivity and increases the specific heat carrying capacity of a hybrid composite. Increase in weight percentage of fly ash in Al6061 decreases thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity respectively.
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