5G Security, 5G Technology, 5G Mitigation, 5G Network Treat, 5G ArchitectureAbstract
The roll out of the deployment of the 5G technology has been ongoing globally. The
deployment of the technologies associated with 5G has seen mixed reaction as regards its
prospects to improve communication services in all spares of life amid its security concerns. The
security concerns of 5G network lies in its architecture and other technologies that optimize the
performance of its architecture. There are many fractions of 5G security architecture in the
literature, a holistic security architectural structure will go a long way in tackling the security
challenges. In this paper, the review of the security challenges of the 5G technology based on its
architecture is presented along with their proposed solutions. This review was carried out with
some keywords relating to 5G securities and architecture; this was used to retrieve appropriate
literature for fitness of purpose. The 5G security architectures are mojorly centered around the
seven network security layers; thereby making each of the layers a source of security concern on
the 5G network. Many of the 5G security challenges are related to authentication and authorization
such as denial-of-service attacks, man in the middle attack and eavesdropping. Different methods
both hardware (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, field programmable logic arrays) and software (Artificial
intelligence, Machine learning, Blockchain, Statistical Process Control) has been proposed for
mitigating the threats. Other technologies applicable to 5G security concerns includes: Multi-radio
access technology, smart-grid network and light fidelity. The implementation of these solutions
should be reviewed on a timely basis because of the dynamic nature of threats which will greatly
reduce the occurrence of security attacks on the 5G network.
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Copyright (c) 2023 K. O. Shobowale, Z. Mukhtar, B. Yahaya, Y. Ibrahim, M.O. Momoh

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