
  • Erwin Sutomo UMP student
  • Nur Shamsiah Abdul Rahman
  • Awanis Binti Romli



S-Commerce, Technology Adoption Model, Small Medium Enterprise


Social Commerce is a new form of online commerce that utilizes social media technology. Individuals and companies have become interested in utilizing Social Commerce. But, S-Commerce adoption is not easy because you have to know what factors determined S-Commerce adoption. This study aims to investigate the determinants factor that influences the implementation of social commerce on SME. The results of this study are TAM and UTAUT is a method that is widely used for S-Commerce implementation, while the factors that influence the implementation of social commerce are the perceived usefulness, trust, ease of use, facilitating conditions, and information quality.


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How to Cite

E. Sutomo, N. S. Abdul Rahman, and A. Binti Romli, “DETERMINATION OF THE INFLUENCE FACTORS ON SOCIAL COMMERCE IN SME: A REVIEW”, IJSECS, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 23–32, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.15282/ijsecs.6.2.2020.4.0073.

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