Sustainable considerations in additive manufacturing processes: A review
Waste management, Electronic waste, Sustainability, 3D printing, Environmental savingsAbstract
Efficient waste management practices are becoming increasingly necessary due to the negative environmental and health impacts of waste generation and disposal. One type of waste that has received particular attention is electronic waste (e-waste). This category of waste has the potential to cause significant environmental harm if not disposed of properly. The management of e-waste is crucial in the electrical/electronic industry which has led to the creation of models and institutional legislature to promote sustainable production processes. Among these processes, Additive manufacturing otherwise referred to as 3D printing is particularly effective in reducing waste generation and energy requirements by reusing spent parts and products as feedstock. Sustainability in the manufacturing and production sectors can be promoted through the inculcation of certain practices. Of these practices, reusing e-waste that would otherwise be disposed of in landfills has the potential to promote environmental cost savings. This article introduces the potential of e-waste being integrated into the manufacturing sector to promote sustainable production. The article also addresses the problem of geometric e-waste generation and suggests an efficient way of reusing waste from the electrical and electronic industries.
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