Investigation into the viability of the properties of porous glass-ceramics produced from granite dust and maize cob for use in thermal insulation of external walls of residential buildings


  • P.O. Odewole School of Environmental Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, 340110, Ondo State, Nigeria. Phone: +2348063832535
  • I.B. Kashim School of Environmental Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, 340110, Ondo State, Nigeria. Phone: +2348063832535
  • T.L. Akinbogun School of Environmental Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, 340110, Ondo State, Nigeria. Phone: +2348063832535



Porous glass-ceramics , Thermal insulation , Waste utilization , One-step sintering , Characterization


Given the enormous need for cost-effective wall insulation materials in the developing countries and Nigeria specifically, this study, explores the viability of porous glass-ceramics production from granite dust and maize cob using one-step sintering technology. The chemical compositions of the locally sourced materials used including granite dust, ball clay and maize cob were obtained using XRF. 300µm of granite dust and ball clay as well as 425µm of maize cob powder were used. Different amount of granite dust and maize cob powder were mixed with constant amount of a mixture of NaOH and Na2SiO3 in three different groupings to formulate the porous glass-ceramics samples. The formulated samples were uniaxially pressed at 10MPa and sintered in a gas kiln at 850oC for 3 hours. The sintered samples were subjected to experimental tests. The results showed water absorption, apparent porosity, bulk density, compressive strength and thermal conductivity of 25.6%–46.7%, 43.5%–75%, 1.45g/cm3 –1.9g/cm3, 0.7MPa–9.7MPa and 0.11W/m.K–0.53W/m.K respectively. The mineralogical properties of the sintered samples were obtained using XRD. The results indicated a viable material for use in thermal insulation of residential buildings.


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How to Cite

O. P. Odewole, I. B. Kashim, and T. L. Akinbogun, “Investigation into the viability of the properties of porous glass-ceramics produced from granite dust and maize cob for use in thermal insulation of external walls of residential buildings”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 8943–8952, Jun. 2022, doi: 10.15282/jmes.16.2.2022.11.0707.

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