Indoor positioning system for warehouse environment: A scoping review
Indoor positioning system, Indoor localization, Positioning technology , Warehouse environment, Inventory management, Environmental sustainabilityAbstract
Advanced technologies and automation, driven by Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS), are transforming businesses by enhancing efficiency, intelligence, and digitalization. Despite the critical role of IPS, there remains a lack of comprehensive reviews focusing specifically on their applications in warehouse inventory management. To bridge this gap and provide actionable insights for both research and practical implementation, this study conducts a systematic literature review following the PRISMA checklist. Centered around three key research questions, this review explores the scope of IPS applications in warehouse environments, the specific technologies employed, and the methods to evaluate IPS performance. This paper analyzes the fundamental principles and recent applications of widely adopted indoor positioning technologies, including Wi-Fi, UWB, RFID, VLC, IMU, Computer Vision, and LiDAR. Furthermore, this paper evaluates IPS technologies through five key evaluation criteria, highlighting their advantages, limitations, and challenges. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of IPS technologies in warehouse inventory management, offering actionable methods to evaluate their performance. The insights presented aim to deliver strong decision support for researchers and practitioners seeking to optimize inventory operations in warehouse environments.
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