The fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm design for dynamic positioning system under unexpected impacts


  • Viet-Dung Do Graduate School of Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, 717200 Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, Phone: +84909006416
  • Xuan-Kien Dang Graduate School of Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, 717200 Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, Phone: +84909006416



Dynamic positioning system, environment impacts, membership function, particle swarm optimization, nonlinear system, supply vessel


The vessel motion is a nonlinear and complicated in practical applications. The factors which affect vessel motion, mainly come from environmental influences. In this paper, we develop a fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm that applies to dynamic positioning system for stabilizing a vessel motion under unexpected impacts. The structure parameter of fuzzy system is calibrated by particle swarm optimization method. The coverage domain width and the overlap degree influence of membership function are adjusted dynamically from system errors. Thereby optimizing the control signal and enhancing the dynamic positioning system quality. Simulation studies with comparisons on a supply vessel are carried out. The proposed in a better response compared to other method such as fuzzy that proved effective of the proposed controller.


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How to Cite

V.-D. Do and X.-K. Dang, “The fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm design for dynamic positioning system under unexpected impacts”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 5407–5423, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.15282/jmes.13.3.2019.13.0439.

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