Particle swarm optimisation-based optimal photovoltaic system of hourly output power dispatch using lithium-ion batteries
Renewable energy dispatch; photovoltaic system; particle swarm optimisation, power fluctuation; battery energy storage.Abstract
Power fluctuation of a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system can give unnecessary stress and impacts to the point where it is connected. To minimise the output power fluctuation, a hybrid PV system and battery energy storage (BES) system can be developed and controlled so that the total output of the system is smoothed out and dispatched on an hourly basis to the electricity grid. This paper presents an improved mitigation strategy using Lithium-ion (Li-ion) BES namely the State-of-Charge Feedback (SOC-FB) controller with the goal of minimising the output power fluctuations of the PV system while ensuring the Li-ion BES operational constraints are regulated at the desired range. To optimally control the SOC-FB controller, Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithm was used to obtain an optimal dispatch of the PV/BES system while maintaining the BES operational constraints at the desired range. A simulation study was carried out using the MATLAB/Simulink software with the simulation results showing the acceptable performance of the proposed hybrid PV/BES hourly power dispatch control strategy. The simulation results also showed that the optimal size of BES can be reduced up to 1.6% using Li-ion battery. This indicates the reasonable performance of the Li-ion batteries especially when it comes to mitigating the power fluctuations of the PV system output.
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