Numerical and hydrodynamic analysis of a container vessel due to the change of collision wave angle at different speeds in regular wave
Computational fluid dynamics, dynamic movements, resistance, container ship, Froude numbers, collision of sea waves, turbulence model, Navier-Stokes equationsAbstract
This study investigates the dynamic behavior of a container ship subjected to different Froude numbers and collision angles. The primary focus is on the ship's vertical motion, torsion, roll, and resistance under varying sea conditions. By increasing the Froude number and the ship's speed in calm water, the generated wave height and wave formation resistance significantly increase. The second quarter of the ship encounters the wave bottom at an altitude of 0.065290 meters, followed by a lighter blue hue at an altitude of 0.032864 meters. The vertical motion function at different wave angles (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 150°, 180°) and the total resistance coefficient at various collision angles were analyzed. The findings reveal a substantial increase in dynamic movements and additional resistance due to wave-induced motion as the Froude number rises. The maximum extra resistance occurs when the wave impacts the ship's bow. The calculated conversion functions for torsional and vertical motions closely align with existing laboratory results, demonstrating an error of less than 10%, which is acceptable for numerical simulations. These findings are crucial for understanding and mitigating the challenges faced by ships operating in various sea conditions.
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