Investigation on the effect of opening position across an isolated building for wind-driven cross ventilation
natural ventilation, opening position, airflow pattern, pressure coefficient, ventilation rateAbstract
This study investigates the effect of opening position on the indoor airflow of a natural ventilated isolated building model. Furthermore, the opening configuration which generate the highest ventilation is to be determined. Seven different opening configurations were considered by varying the opening position on the windward and leeward walls which include three cases of aligned openings and four non-aligned openings. Models with different opening position were simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with 3D RANS turbulence model Shear Stress Transport (SST) k- ω. Simulation result indicates the indoor air velocity as well as pressure distribution highly depends on both inlet and outlet opening positioning. Different opening configuration influences the recirculation zone generated within the building model. Comparison shows openings located near the roof generate 6.52% higher ventilation rate compared to openings located near the ground. The study concludes that opening position holds a crucial role in affecting internal airflow pattern, air recirculation and ventilation rate for a natural cross ventilated building.
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