Evaluation of welding-induced residual stress and distortion in A-TIG welding of duplex stainless steel


  • A. Siyavoshi Department of Materials Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 1477893855, Tehran, Iran
  • S. Shakhesi Department of Materials Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 1477893855, Tehran, Iran
  • M. Reza Afshar Department of Materials Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, 1477893855, Tehran, Iran
  • Marzieh Hashemzadeh Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049001, Portugal
  • M. Noghabi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, 1591634311, Tehran, Iran




Welding, Residual stress, Distortion, Welding simulation


Applying non-uniform heat in welding causes residual stress and distortion, which affects the life of components. In the present study, the residual stress and distortion of Duplex 2205 stainless steel in A-TIG welding were investigated numerically and experimentally. The optimal welding parameters for highest penetration depth in welded samples were obtained experimentally. Uncoupled thermal-mechanical analysis using ABAQUS 2017 software has been done. Goldak's parameters were measured by empirical tests. The results include simulation diagrams of four samples consisting of the optimal sample without flux powder and three samples with the highest penetration depth. The simulation results show that the sample without flux has a higher maximum temperature and lower welding-induced distortions. The efficiency used in this research changes using and not using powder; it is concluded that, in similar conditions in A-TIG welding, fewer values of parameters are needed to achieve the appropriate result comparing conventional TIG. The efficiency of workpieces with flux should be considered about 20% lower to have similar results to the conventional TIG. The numerical modeling results showed a good agreement with experimental data both for temperature distribution and welding-induced residual stress and distortion. The distortion in the pieces with conventional TIG welding has increased to 11% at the farthest point from the welding line. The error obtained from comparing the results in residual stress is between 12 and 34%.


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How to Cite

“Evaluation of welding-induced residual stress and distortion in A-TIG welding of duplex stainless steel”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., pp. 9324–9337, Mar. 2023, doi: 10.15282/jmes.17.1.2023.3.0737.

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