Effect of various inlet geometries on swirling flow in can combustor
Can combustor; Swirling Flow; Flow behavior; Central Re-circulating Zone.Abstract
This paper presents the effects of various inlet geometries on swirling flow and a study of the flow behavior of air in the can combustor using a CFD model. In this work, the standard k-ɛ turbulence model was used. Furthermore, for this study, the can combustor had an inner diameter, outer diameter, and length of 250 mm, 290 mm, and 406 mm, respectively. An annular swirler was used in order to generate a re-circulating velocity in the chamber of combustor. Various inlet geometries were designed and experiments were conducted to study the effects of these designs on the swirling flow inside the combustor. To understand the flow behavior, the snout angles varied at 30°, 45°, and 60° angles, and the hub to tip ratio of the vane swirler varied at 0.33 and 0.67. The results showed that the following had an influence upon the Central Re-circulating Zone (CRZ) and Pressure Loss factor (PLF) in a combustor: 1) the snout angle, 2) the hub to tip ratio of the annular swirler, and 3) the auxiliary primary holes. It was also found that the optimum design of this can combustor had a snout angle of 30 degrees and a hub to tip ratio of the swirler of 0.33. In order to create the optimum design for a large CRZ and lowest PLF, it was found that auxiliary primary holes should be also used.
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