Experimental study of the effect of nanofluid CuO - ethylene glycol/water variation on convection heat transfer in electronic cooling


  • Devia Gahana Cindi Alfian Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan 35365, Lampung, Indonesia. Phone: +627218030188; Fax.: +62-721-8030188
  • Rio Tarigan Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan 35365, Lampung, Indonesia. Phone: +627218030188; Fax.: +62-721-8030188
  • Dicky Silitonga Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan 35365, Lampung, Indonesia. Phone: +627218030188; Fax.: +62-721-8030188
  • Lathifa P. Afisna Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan 35365, Lampung, Indonesia. Phone: +627218030188; Fax.: +62-721-8030188




Nanofluids, Coefficient heat transfer, Forced convection, CuO, Ethylene Glycol, Electronic cooling


Technological advancements have necessitated efficient cooling solutions for electronic components, particularly central processing units. Water cooling systems, employing water blocks to transfer heat from components to circulating liquid, offer superior cooling compared to traditional methods, enabling higher performance and quieter operation. This study focuses on synthesizing nanofluids by dispersing CuO nanoparticles in water/ethylene glycol. Then, the nanofluids were tested as cooling liquids in computer waterblocks to investigate their heat transfer properties and pumping power, aiming to assess their suitability for practical cooling applications. Experimental studies were conducted on CuO-ethylene glycol/water nanofluids, comprising CuO nanoparticles, 40% ethylene glycol as the base fluid, and 60% water by the total fluid volume. The tested nanoparticles volume fractions are 0.025%, 0.055%, and 0.102%. The CuO-ethylene glycol/water nanofluid was prepared through sonication at 37 kHz for 3 hours. Subsequently, the nanofluids were tested on the water block with a flow rate ranging from 0.7 to 1.9 liters per minute. The results indicate that higher CuO concentration enhances heat transfer performance. However, it is worth noting that using higher nanoparticle concentrations may necessitate increased pumping power. This study provides valuable insights into the trade-offs between heat transfer and energy consumption for CuO-based nanofluids in electronic cooling system applications.


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How to Cite

D. G. C. Alfian, R. Tarigan, D. Silitonga, and L. P. Afisna, “Experimental study of the effect of nanofluid CuO - ethylene glycol/water variation on convection heat transfer in electronic cooling”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 10107–10115, Sep. 2024.