Public Service Mall Innovation in Banda Aceh City


  • Muazzinah UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Nurvadila Malia UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Mahmuddin UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh



Public Service Mall, Banda Aceh City, Innovation


This research is to find out what innovations exist in the Public Service Mall of Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia. This type of research uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach, namely by describing the results of research and analyzing so that the results obtained from informants are employees of the Banda Aceh City Public Service Mall, employees of the One-Stop Investment and Integrated Service Office and employees of the Population and Civil Registration Service at the Public Service Mall and the community as supporting informants who provide services at the Banda Aceh City Public Service Mall. The results of this study indicate that the innovation of the Banda Aceh City Public Service Mall can be said to be in accordance with the innovation guidelines criteria set by PERMENPAN-RB No. 30 of 2014 which consists of Quality, Transparency, Accountability, Easy, Fast, Proper, Fair and Participatory. So that the results obtained that the Public Service Innovation of Banda Aceh City has novelty or innovation in service.

Author Biographies

Muazzinah, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Muazzinah, Lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Government Sciences, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh and also Manager of Partnership for The Aceh Institute. Undergraduate at Universiti Sains Malaysia (2008), Postgraduate at Gadah Mada University (2014). Can be contacted via email:

Nurvadila Malia, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Nurvadila Malia, started her education at SD N 3 Kuta Cane in 2011 and continued her education to SMP N 1 Kuta Cane (2014), SMK N 1 Kuta Cane (2017), Department of State Administration, Faculty of Social and Government Sciences, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh (2021). Can be contacted via email:

Mahmuddin, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Mahmuddin, FISIP lecturer at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Educational level taken at the Da'wah Faculty IAIN Ar-Raniry (1996), Masters Program in Sociology at UGM Yogyakarta (2002), completed the Doctoral Program (2014) concentrating in Rural Sociology at the Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB Bogor. The papers that have been produced include, Violence Against Children in Education in Aceh (2012), Reform for gampong in Aceh (2014), Riwang U Gampong (2020) and besides that he is also involved in several research activities in collaboration with the Islamic Shari'a Service institution. , UNICEF and BP3A Aceh. Correspondence address


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How to Cite

Muazzinah, Malia, N. ., & Mahmuddin. (2021). Public Service Mall Innovation in Banda Aceh City. Journal of Governance and Integrity, 5(1), 170–184.



JGI Vol. 5 Issue 1, December 2021