Buffer Size, Delay, Heterogenous-Network-Traffics, ThroughputAbstract
The digital era have paved a way for a frequent demand for efficiency of wireless telecommunication network due to it increase economic and societal benefits. Transmission control protocol (TCP) and User datagram Protocol (UDP) are the basic protocol responsible for information transfer from end to end. However, the efficiency to which messages travels across the network, and the time taken to deliver is a key concern. Hence throughput and latency becomes a challenge. Since, selecting an appropriate buffer size is still a major challenge. And Smaller size of buffers results to lower response delay at the expense of higher probability of loss rate. Similarly, bigger size of buffers led to buffer bloat with an excessive delay incurred due to thier sizes. Thus, we have conducted a performance analysis using NS2 simulator for Heterogeneous Network Traffics in order to determine an appropriate buffer size with superior average throughput as well as response delay. In the proposed study buffer sizes of five (5) to Ten (10) where selected; and the results proved that buffer sizes of 5 to 10 KB achieves better throughput and delay at the congested router. In addition, the proposed results presented also publicized that buffer sizes have been optimized accordingly.
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Copyright (c) 2020 M.A. Ahmad, Daniel Dauda Wisdom, S. Isaac, U.C. Arinze

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