The Church's Approach to Dealing with Same-Sex Marriage Conflict: A Literature Review


  • Muhammad Azizan bin Sabjan School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, USM Penang, Malaysia
  • Mohd Azwan Md Yasim School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, USM Penang, Malaysia.



Church approach, Conflict, Same-sex marriage, Homosexuality


The circulation of globalization in line with human change forms a family institution. Now, it is very shocking when the issue of same-sex marriage (PSJ) succeeds in threatening the sanctity of Christianity. This issue successfully pressured church institutions to take their own steps in dealing with homosexuals who want to hold PSJ. Thus, this library study aims to identify differences in church approaches in dealing with PSJ conflicts in Christianity. The results of the content analysis found that the church's approach to supporting PSJ was: love and affection between the sexes became bait for homophilic; declare acceptance of homosexual practitioners; the church is open to accepting homosexual practitioners to reduce anxiety; the church allowed PSJ at the urging of influential individuals; and the church relies on government funds to be pressured if it appoints pastors who oppose PSJ. Meanwhile, the church's approach against PSJ is: the central church forms believers following the teachings of the Bible; the church deals with homosexual practitioners by identifying the causes of homosexuality; the firmness of the church; church agreement; gain full authority to manage marriage; appointing church leaders from among men; and support heterosexual marriages. Therefore, it is suggested that the church take a long-term approach in order to continue to successfully maintain the sanctity of Christianity.


Peredaran arus globalisasi seiring dengan perubahan manusia membentuk institusi keluarga. Kini, amat mengejutkan apabila isu perkahwinan sesama jantina (PSJ) berjaya menggugat kesucian agama Kristian. Isu ini berjaya menekan institusi-institusi gereja untuk mengambil langkah tersendiri dalam menghadapi penganut homoseksual yang ingin melangsungkan PSJ. Justeru, kajian kepustakaan ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti perbezaan pendekatan gereja dalam menghadapi konflik PSJ di dalam agama Kristian. Hasil analisis kandungan mendapati pendekatan gereja menyokong PSJ adalah: cinta dan sayang sesama jantina menjadi umpan kepada homofilia; gereja bersikap terbuka menerima pengamal homoseksual untuk kurangkan kebimbangan; mengisytiharkan penerimaan pengamal homoseksual; gereja membenarkan PSJ kerana desakan individu berpengaruh; dan gereja bergantung dana kerajaan diberi tekanan jika melantik paderi yang menentang PSJ. Sementara itu, pendekatan gereja menentang PSJ pula adalah: gereja pusat membentuk penganut dahulukan Yehuwa dalam segala hal; gereja tangani pengamal homoseksual dengan mengenal pasti punca manusia melakukan seks sesama jantina; ketegasan gereja; kesepakatan gereja; mendapat kuasa penuh menguruskan perkahwinan; melantik pemimpin gereja dari kalangan lelaki; dan sokong perkahwinan heteroseksual. Justeru, dicadangkan supaya gereja mengambil pendekatan jangka masa panjang agar terus berjaya kekalkan kesucian agama Kristian.



2021-03-08 — Updated on 2021-03-08





How to Cite

Muhammad Azizan bin Sabjan, & Md Yasim, M. A. (2021). PENDEKATAN GEREJA DALAM MENGHADAPI KONFLIK PERKAHWINAN SESAMA JANTINA: SATU KAJIAN KEPUSTAKAAN: The Church’s Approach to Dealing with Same-Sex Marriage Conflict: A Literature Review. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 6((S1), 81-86.

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