Interpretations of Homosexuality Between Bible Scholars and the Text of the Story of Sodom: A Comparative Analysis


  • Mohd Azwan Md Yasim School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, USM Penang, Malaysia
  • Muhammad Azizan bin Sabjan School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, USM Penang, Malaysia




The story of Sodom, The Bible, Christianity, Homosexuality


The story of Sodom is an event of torment due to homosexual behavior. However, the text of the story of Sodom was reinterpreted by Bible scholars as appropriate. Accordingly, this study brings together the issues in the Story of Sodom. These issues are raised by Bible scholars in the fight for the fate of homosexuals. Based on the literature review, it was found that Bible scholars did not condemn homosexuality for the following reasons: the authenticity of the same-sex text in the story of Sodom is disputed; the purpose of the inhabitants of Sodom conducting a survey; causes of same-sex attempts; Lot's stance on same-sex union; the cause of the destruction of the people of Sodom; the purpose of the inhabitants of Sodom was to seduce Lot's guests; and the appropriateness of the story of Sodom as a lesson. Accordingly, in order to obtain accurate evidence, content analysis was conducted by comparing the Bible scholars' interpretation with the text of the story of Sodom in the Bible. Successful analysis proves that the prohibition of same-sex union described in the story of Sodom is clear. It can be used as a strong argument to forbid Christians who practice homosexuality.


Kisah Sodom merupakan satu kejadian azab akibat kelakuan homosekual. Namun, teks kisah Sodom ditafsir semula oleh pengkaji Bible mengikut kesesuaian semasa. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini menghimpunkan isu-isu di dalam Kisah Sodom. Isu-isu ini dibangkitkan oleh pengkaji Bible dalam memperjuangkan nasib homoseksual. Berdasarkan kepada kajian kepustakaan, didapati bahawa pengkaji Bible tidak mengutuk homoseksual di atas sebab: kesahihan teks seks sesama jantina di dalam kisah Sodom dipertikaikan; tujuan penduduk Sodom melakukan tinjauan; punca kepada cubaan seks sesama jantina; pendirian Lot terhadap seks sesama jantina; punca kemusnahan penduduk Sodom; tujuan penduduk Sodom ingin meliwat tetamu Lot; dan kesesuaian kisah Sodom sebagai pelajaran. Sehubungan itu, bagi mendapat bukti yang tepat, analisis kandungan telah dijalankan dengan membandingkan di antara tafsiran pengkaji Bible dengan teks kisah Sodom di dalam Bible. Analisis berjaya membuktikan bahawa larangan seks sesama jantina yang dijelaskan di dalam kisah Sodom adalah jelas. Ia mampu dijadikan hujah yang kuat untuk melarang penganut Kristian yang mengamalkan homoseksual.



2021-03-08 — Updated on 2021-03-08





How to Cite

Md Yasim, M. A., & Muhammad Azizan bin Sabjan. (2021). TAFSIRAN HOMOSEKSUAL DI ANTARA PENGKAJI BIBLE DENGAN TEKS KISAH SODOM: SATU ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN: Interpretations of Homosexuality Between Bible Scholars and the Text of the Story of Sodom: A Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 6((S2), 17-22. https://doi.org/10.15282/ijhtc.v6i(S2).6243