Marriage Contract, Teleconference, Islamic Family LawAbstract
In the current era of technology, it is possible to facilitate marriage contracts with the help of technology that can shorten the process for the parties involved in the implementation of the marriage contract. The purpose of this study is to analyze the views of an Islamic figure on marriage contracts conducted through teleconferences, as well as to find out the prospects of these views in the development of Islamic family law in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative research method with a library research approach, which involves various activities related to collecting library data, conducting literature reviews, and using primary data sources to reveal factual information for research. The results of this study indicate that the development of marriage through technology continues to progress from time to time, starting from the legalization of Stipulation No. 1751/P/1989 by the South Jakarta religious court until it finally tapered off to the practice of marriage through teleconferencing, starting from teleconferencing using video phones with cell phones to teleconferencing using Whatsapp applications, Zoom meetings and so on. The findings of this study indicate that marriage contracts conducted through teleconferencing have not been specifically regulated in existing laws in Indonesia, so they are somewhat ambiguous. The legal framework regarding this matter is currently lacking. However, according to Wahbah Az-Zuhaili's perspective, teleconference marriage can be considered permissible and valid. This research can have an impact on the knowledge of the wider community regarding Islamic religious tolerance and religious rules, as well as renewal in the millennial era, and open new insights and policies for the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia to reinforce the legalization of the law in the permissibility of marriage contracts through teleconference.
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