The Level of Effectiveness of Guidance Provided by School Improvement Partners in Improving the Quality of School Leadership in the States of Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan


  • Mohd Azuri Shaari Center for Human Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pahang, Malaysia
  • Hasmadi Hassan Center for Human Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pahang, Malaysia
  • Jamal Rizal Razali Center for Human Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pahang, Malaysia




School improvement partners, School leadership, Malaysian education development plan, District Education Office, Ministry of Education Malaysia


Starting from 2013 every School Leadership in Malaysia will have a school improvement mentoring partner which is School Improvement Partners (SIPartners+) who are described as critical partners and whose role is to support and challenge the School Leadership. This is based on the Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPPM) 2013-2025 and is contained in the sixth Shift outlined in the PPPM which must be achieved during Wave One 2013-2015. This study is a study based on quantitative methods and the data findings are analyzed using SPSS IBM Version 20.0 software which involves a study in three states on the East Coast of Malaysia which is evaluated based on the needs of the country's policy from the perspective of the direct recipient, which is School Leadership. There are various different perceptions of School Leadership towards SIPartners+ from the aspect of their guidance, skills and experience and the support and challenges provided by SIPartners+. A lot seems to depend on the expertise and behavior of individual SIPartners+ themselves and their opinions are not consistent with each other. The agenda set by SIPartners+ was seen as too focused on data from discussions about teaching and learning and the need for SIPartners+ itself. With information about the effectiveness of SIPartners+ guidance on school leadership and the academic achievement of students, it is hoped that the KPM, JPN and PPD can plan and implement new or improved guidance models so that school leadership can improve the professional quality of school leadership and the academic achievement of students at school.


Mulai dari tahun 2013 setiap Kepimpinan Sekolah di Malaysia akan mempunyai rakan pembimbing penambahbaikan sekolah iaitu School Improvement Partners (SIPartners+ ) yang digambarkan sebagai rakan kritikal dan peranannya adalah untuk menyokong dan mencabar Kepimpinan Sekolah. Ini adalah berdasarkan Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025 dan terkandung dalam Anjakan ke-enam yang digariskan dalam PPPM yang mesti dicapai dalam tempoh Gelombang Satu 2013-2015. Kajian ini merupakan satu kajian berasaskan kaedah kuantitatif dan dapatan data dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS IBM Version 20.0 yang melibatkan kajian di tiga buah negeri di Pantai Timur, Malaysia yang dinilai berdasarkan keperluan dasar negara dari perspektif penerima langsung iaitu Kepimpinan Sekolah. Terdapat pelbagai persepsi berbeza-beza pihak Kepimpinan Sekolah terhadap SIPartners+ daripada aspek bimbingan, kemahiran dan pengalaman mereka dan sokongan serta cabaran yang diberikan oleh SIPartners+ . Ianya banyak seolah-olah bergantung kepada kepakaran dan kelakuan individu SIPartners+ itu sendiri dan pendapat mereka adalah tidak konsisten di antara satu sama lain. Agenda ditetapkan oleh SIPartners+ dilihat sebagai terlalu memberi tumpuan kepada data daripada perbincangan tentang pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta keperluan untuk SIPartners+ itu sendiri. Dengan adanya maklumat tentang keberkesanan bimbingan SIPartners+ terhadap Kepimpinan Sekolah serta pencapaian akademik murid-murid, diharap pihak KPM, JPN mahupun PPD dapat merancang dan melaksanakan model bimbingan baru atau penambahbaikan agar kepimpinan sekolah dapat meningkatkan kualiti profesional kepimpinan sekolah dan pencapaian akademik murid-murid di sekolah.



2021-03-08 — Updated on 2021-03-08





How to Cite

Shaari, M. A., Hasmadi Hassan, & Jamal Rizal Razali. (2021). TAHAP KEBERKESANAN BIMBINGAN YANG DIBERIKAN OLEH SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PARTNERS+ DALAM MENINGKATKAN MUTU KEPIMPINAN SEKOLAH DI NEGERI PAHANG, TERENGGANU DAN KELANTAN: The Level of Effectiveness of Guidance Provided by School Improvement Partners in Improving the Quality of School Leadership in the States of Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 6((S1), 30-34. https://doi.org/10.15282/ijhtc.v6i(S1).6229

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