The Effectiveness of the LIQA Module (Intensive Training of Quran Memorization) in Terms of Design Level: A Survey


  • Mohd Hasdi Mohamed Center for Human Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, 26600 Pahang, Malaysia
  • Rashidi Abbas Center for Human Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, 26600 Pahang, Malaysia



Memorization, Tilawah al-Quran, Memorization module, Module development, Module effectiveness, Hafazan, Tilawatul Quran, Modul hafazan, Pembangunan modul, Keberkesanan modul


The LIQA module is an aid in the field of Tahfiz Al-Quran. It also serves as a workbook and training material for those who want to memorize the Quran. LIQA is an acronym for ‘Latihan Intensif Hafazan Al-Quran’. The LIQA module was introduced through seminars, camps and workshops held throughout Malaysia. It was attended by various levels of society involving pre-school, primary, secondary, teenagers, adults and the elderly. In addition, for mosques and suraus, LIQA Module memorization workshops are also organized by educational agencies such as KAFA (Al-Quran & Fardhu Ain Class), associations and institutions of higher learning. In terms of use, the LIQA Module is widely used, especially in the state of Pahang, which involves KAFA classes, religious secondary schools and institutions and organizations that conduct the Al-Quran tahfiz curriculum. This study aims to review how effective the LIQA Module is in terms of design level. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 30 students at Al-Maarif Religious Secondary School and Abdul Rahman Talib National Secondary School, Kuantan. The results of the study were obtained by using the 'Statistical Package for Social Science' (SPSS) which is a computerized data processing software. The findings of the study show that the effectiveness of the LIQA Module in terms of the design level is at a high score level, with the overall mean range of the items being between 3.67–5.00. At the end of the study, the researcher put forward some suggestions for improvements related to the design of the LIQA Module in order to be more satisfactory and meet the current needs in the field of Tahfiz Al-Quran.

Modul LIQA merupakan bahan bantu dalam bidang tahfiz Al-Quran. Ia juga berfungsi sebagai buku kerja dan bahan latihan bagi yang ingin menghafaz Al-Quran. LIQA adalah akronim kepada Latihan Intensif Hafazan Al-Quran. Modul LIQA diperkenalkan melalui seminar, kem dan bengkel hafazan yang diadakan di seluruh Malaysia. Ianya disertai oleh pelbagai lapisan masyarakat yang melibatkan murid pra-sekolah, sekolah rendah, menengah, remaja, dewasa dan golongan berusia. Selain masjid-masjid dan surau-surau, bengkel hafazan Modul LIQA dianjurkan juga oleh agensi-agensi pendidikan seperti KAFA (Kelas Al-Quran & Fardhu Ain),  persatuan-persatuan dan institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi. Dari segi penggunaan pula, Modul LIQA digunakan secara meluas khususnya di negeri Pahang yang melibatkan, kelas-kelas KAFA, sekolah-sekolah menengah agama dan institusi serta organisasi yang mengadakan kurikulum tahfiz Al-Quran. Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau sejauhmanakah keberkesanan Modul LIQA dari segi tahap rekabentuk. Kajian dijalankan dengan mengedarkan soalselidik kepada 30 orang pelajar di Sekolah Menengah Agama Al-Maarif dan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Abdul Rahman Talib, Kuantan. Keputusan kajian yang diperolehi dengan menggunakan ‘Statistical Package for Social Science’ (SPSS) iaitu satu perisian memproses data yang digunakan secara berkomputer. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan keberkesanan Modul LIQA dari segi tahap rekabentuk berada pada tahap skor yang tinggi, dengan keseluruhan julat min item adalah antara 3.67–5.00. Di akhir kajian, penyelidik mengemukakan beberapa cadangan penambahbaikan berkaitan rekabentuk Modul LIQA agar lebih memuaskan dan memenuhi keperluan semasa dalam bidang tahfiz Al-Quran.


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How to Cite

Mohamed, M. H., & Abbas , R. (2024). KEBERKESANAN MODUL LIQA (LATIHAN INTENSIF HAFAZAN AL-QURAN) DARI ASPEK TAHAP REKA BENTUK: SATU TINJAUAN: The Effectiveness of the LIQA Module (Intensive Training of Quran Memorization) in Terms of Design Level: A Survey. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 9(1), 68-75.

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