Tensile properties and dynamic mechanical analysis of kenaf/epoxy composites
Polymer composite, Kenaf fibre, Epoxy matrix, Tensile properties, DMAAbstract
Kenaf fibre-reinforced polymer composites could offer low-cost, biodegradable, recyclable, and renewable materials. The hydrophilic kenaf fibres exhibit poor compatibility with the hydrophobic epoxy matrix as compared to their synthetic counterparts and ultimately, this may severely constrain their potential as a green composite material. This work aims to evaluate the tensile properties and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) of kenaf fibre composites reinforced with two epoxy systems as matrices, B and M resins. Neat epoxy samples and kenaf-reinforced composites with varying fibre loading, 15% and 45% were fabricated in the study. It was found that the tensile properties of kenaf composites are dependent on the epoxy resin systems and higher with reinforcement content. The tensile strength of M-15% and M-45% are 16.3% and 12.0% stronger than their counterparts. Determination of interfacial shear strength using a modified micromechanical model was employed showing that M-45 has a higher value than B-45%, 107.09 kPa and 90.28 kPa respectively. By DMA, in general, an increase in the storage modulus and peak height in the loss modulus was always higher with kenaf composites that were manufactured with the M resin system. The adhesion factor, A calculated from tan delta curves and cole-cole plot has shown the state of fibre/matrix adhesion level in each epoxy resin system. The SEM analysis indicates the presence of void spaces around fibres and matrix may attributed to the lower compatibility of the B resins system used in kenaf composites fabrication.
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