Newton-GMRES-Method for the Scritinization of electric double layer and surface roughness on EHL line contact problem


  • V.B. Awati Department of Mathematics, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka, India-591156. Phone: 0831-2565246
  • P. M. Obannavar Department of Mathematics, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka, India-591156. Phone: 0831-2565246
  • N. Mahesh Kumar Department of Mathematics, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka, India-591156. Phone: 0831-2565246



Electric double layer, EHL, Thin water lubricating film, Newton-GMREs method, Daubechies D6 wavelet


The electric double layer phenomenon exists on the solid interface under the water-liquid condition. The water molecules are ionized and adhered in the interface forming the sturn layer is a diffused layer in which molecules can move with the movement of bulk of molecules. Because of these two characteristics, the boundary layer of water molecules is called the electric double layer. The aim of present study is to explore the impact of two fraction surfaces of electric double layer (EDL) on a thin water lubricating film on an elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) line contact problem with a sinusoidal surface roughness. The governing modified Reynolds and film thickness equations are based on mathematical model of electro-viscosity of asymmetrical electrical double layer is analyzed numerically. The viscosity-pressure relation of water and theoretical evaluation pertaining to the effect of electric double layer on film-thickness and pressure distribution of EHL with water film of line contact problem is discussed in detail. The effect of zeta potential on film thickness and pressure is determined using Newton’s-GMRES method with Daubechies D6 wavelet as a pre-conditioner. The results predict that, EDL has less impact on pressure distribution and significant impact on film thickness.  The obtained results are compared with results of Dowson and Higginson which are comparable.


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How to Cite

“Newton-GMRES-Method for the Scritinization of electric double layer and surface roughness on EHL line contact problem”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., pp. 9370–9382, Mar. 2023, doi: 10.15282/jmes.17.1.2023.7.0741.

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