Laminar Forced Convection Heat Transfer over Staggered Circular Tube Banks: A CFD Approach
Forced convection; cylindrical tube; staggered arrangement; body-fitted coordinates; finite volume method.Abstract
This paper presents the numerical study of two-dimensional forced convection heat transfer for staggered tube banks in cross flow under incompressible, steady-state conditions. This system is solved for body-fitted coordinates using the finite volume method for flow over a bundle of cylindrical tubes. A constant heat flux is imposed on the surface of the tubes as the thermal boundary condition. The type of arrangement considered is a set of staggered tubes. Ratios of longitudinal pitch to tube diameter (ST/D) of 1.25, 1.5, and 2 are considered. Reynolds numbers are varied from 25 to 250 and the Prandtl number is taken as 0.71. Velocity field vectors, temperature contours, and the local and average Nusselt numbers are analyzed in this paper. It can be seen that the predicted results are in good agreement with experimental and numerical results obtained previously. The obtained results show that the heat transfer rate increases with a reduction in the step of the longitudinal tube diameter. The local heat transfer depends strongly on the Reynolds number. The highest values are obtained at the surface opposite to the direction of flow. The heat transfer rate is insignificant in the areas of recycling.
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