Vibrational damping behaviors of graphene nanoplatelets reinforced NR/EPDM nanocomposites
Graphene; NR/EPDM; vibration; dynamic mechanical; morphology.Abstract
Vibrational damping behaviors of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) reinforced natural rubber/ethylene-propylene-diene rubber (NR/EPDM) were investigated. The nanocomposites were prepared through melt compounding using a Haake internal mixer. In this study, GNPs reinforced NR/EPDM nanocomposites were characterized for damping properties towards the effect of GNPs loading (1, 3 and 5 wt%) and chitosanfunctionalization. The results indicate the addition of GNPs have significantly improved both log decrement and damping ratio values correlated to the enhanced damping property of the nanocomposites. Chitosan-functionalized GNPs seem to slightly hamper the increase of damping properties contributed by incorporation of GNPs in NR/EPDM blends. These findings were further supported by thermal and morphological studies through dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis. The storage modulus, loss modulus and tan δ showed good agreement with the vibrational damping test. Meanwhile, TEM analysis revealed the existence of intercalated and exfoliated structure of GNPs in NR/EPDM matrix which resulted in improved vibration damping properties of the nanocomposites for the potential used as vibration insulator.
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