Determination of Physical Properties of Laminated Composite Beam via the Inverse Vibration Problem Method


  • Murat Balcı Bayburt University. Engineering Faculty. Mechanical Engineering, Bayburt, Turkey
  • Ömer Gündoğdu Atatürk University. Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, Erzurum, Turkey



Inverse problem; finite element method; laminated composite beam; genetic algorithm; free vibration.


In this study, some physical properties of a laminated composite beam were estimated by using the inverse vibration problem method. Laminated composite plate was modeled and simulated to obtain vibration responses for different length-to-thickness ratios in ANSYS. A numerical model of the laminated composite beam with unknown parameters was also developed using a two-dimensional finite element model by utilizing the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. Then, these two models were embedded into the optimization program to form the objective function to be minimized using genetic algorithms. After minimizing the squared difference of the natural frequencies from these two models, the unknown parameters of the laminated composite beam were found. It is observed in this study that the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory suppositions approximated the real results with a rate of %0.026 error as the thickness of the beam got thinner. The estimated values were finally compared with the expected values and a very good correspondence was observed.


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How to Cite

“Determination of Physical Properties of Laminated Composite Beam via the Inverse Vibration Problem Method”, J. Mech. Eng. Sci., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 611–622, Dec. 2013, doi: 10.15282/jmes.5.2013.7.0058.

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