Modal testing and modelling the dynamic characteristics of a plate with bolted joints
Dynamic characteristics, bolted joint, normal modes, stiffness, element connectorAbstract
Modelling the dynamic characteristics of the bolted joints in a complex assembled structure with a high accuracy is very challenging due to the assumptions and uncertainties in the input data of the FE model. In this paper, the identification of the dynamic characteristics of the bolted joints structure using the CBUSH element connector is proposed. Modal testing and normal modes analysis are conducted on a thin plate assembled structure with bolted joints. In the simulation work, the CBUSH element connector is employed and the stiffness coefficient for six degrees of freedom is computed based on four flexibility formulae. The predicted natural frequencies and their corresponding mode shapes are compared against the results of the experimental work. A good agreement of the FE model is achieved by using the coefficient of stiffness as represented in the Swift flexibility formula. The study justifies that the dynamic characteristics of the bolt joints could be accurately modelled by using the CBUSH element connector. The obtained findings provided an alternative approach to modelling the dynamic characteristics of a thin plate assembled structure with bolted joints.
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