Numerical studies for effect of geometrical parameters on water jet pump performance via entropy generation analysis
Water jet pump, 2D axisymmetric model, entropy generation analysis, projection ratio, throat-aspect ratioAbstract
This paper presented an implementation of entropy generation analysis in the main flow field of a water jet pump via the CFD method. This study aimed to identify the inefficient location of energy conversion and to analyse entropy generation sources in each region of the water jet pump. The 2D-axisymmetric model and realisable k-ε (RKE) turbulence model at steady-state conditions were performed to validate jet pump performance and to assess the entropy generation. Likewise, the effects of the projection ratio and throat-aspect ratio as independent parameters were investigated. As a result, the throat is the most inefficient part due to the high total entropy generation rate, following by diffuser part. Also, the entropy generation rate was assessed dominant than viscous dissipation due to the turbulent dissipation, which was caused by a turbulent shear stress layer of mixing the streams. In conclusion, the projection ratio influenced the growth of the shear stress layer as well as the entropy generation. Further, the throat-aspect ratio affected the distribution of entropy generation in the throat section. An appropriate combination of both parameters has an impact on the jet pump performance improvements reducing the entropy generation rate in the future.
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