Experimental study of the influence of glass cover cooling using evaporative cooling process on the thermal performance of single basin solar still
Solar Still, desalination, single basin, evaporative cooling, glass cover coolingAbstract
Acute shortage of drinking water has been on the rise owing to increasing population as well as shortage of drinkable water. Generation of potable water using passive solar stills is among the simplest and easier devices which make use of solar heat energy. However, the output of solar still is generally low owing to greater heat loss and needs improvement. In this paper, an experimental analysis is carried out to determine the performance of passive solar still with glass cover cooling using cold water generated using passive evaporative cooling process. The cold water required for cooling the glass cover is obtained using evaporative cooling process in the water tank which is wound with wet cotton cloth wick. The cold water thus obtained is sprayed onto the top surface of glass cover. The experiment is carried out in the outdoor conditions of Dubai from 10:00h to 14:00h and the temperature recordings of basin plate, glass cover, basin water, ambient air and cooling water are noted for every 30 minutes. The results reveal that the average increase in condensation heat transfer coefficient is found to be about 20.8% higher in the presence of glass cover cooling and the distillate output is found to increase by about 3.32 times. The average still efficiency is found to be relatively higher in the presence of cooling which is about 7.3% higher in the presence of cooling. The cold water temperature generated through evaporative cooling process is about 20.4% lower as compared to ambient temperature. Thus, the cooling of glass cover using cold water obtained through evaporative cooling process is found to be effective in enhancing the thermal performance of single basin solar still system.
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