Drag reduction by combination of flow control using inlet disturbance body and plasma actuator on cylinder model
Cylinder, Drag Coefficient, Flow Control, Inlet Disturbance Body, Plasma ActuatorAbstract
Flow past a cylinder is one of the things that is very applicable in everyday life. But behind those facts, there is a problem in it namely the drag force which is adverse and needs to be reduced. This research was conducted to find solutions to reduce drag by using a mix of passive flow control of inlet disturbance body and active flow control from plasma actuators. This research uses a test model in the form of a cylinder of a diameter of 120 mm with Reynolds Number 15000, 41000, 62000 and was expected to reduce drag after a given combination of flow control. From the results shown, either inlet disturbance of body and plasma actuators as well as a combination of both the flow of control is capable of performing the reduction coefficient of drag up to 70,22% on a variation of the Reynolds Number 62000.
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